InsuranceNow API (5.0.0)
InsuranceNow's RESTful API is built according to the OpenAPI specification and provides access to InsuranceNow functionality. Developers can use the API to integrate InsuranceNow with portals and other third-party systems.
Returns a list of location.
Returns a list of the locations for a quote or application.
path Parameters
systemId required | string <systemId> System identifier of the quote or application. |
query Parameters
continuationId | string Indicates the starting offset for the API results when you want to return a specific portion of the full results.
You can use this parameter with the limit parameter.
For example, the limit on your first API call was 100 and the results populated a list on the page.
To request the next page of 100 results, call the API again with |
includeDeleted | boolean Includes deleted locations. If true, results will include "Deleted" locations. If false (or not provided), results will not include "Deleted" locations. |
limit | string Indicates how many results to return. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "continuationId": "string",
- "locations": [
- {
- "_links": [
- {
- "href": "string",
- "rel": "string"
], - "_revision": "string",
- "aLLimitsGT500000": true,
- "acreageOnly": "string",
- "addDt": "2019-08-24",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "addition": "string",
- "additionalLegal": "string",
- "addr1": "string",
- "addr2": "string",
- "addr3": "string",
- "addr4": "string",
- "addrTypeCd": "ContactAddr",
- "addressHash": "string",
- "attention": "string",
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- "congressCode": "string",
- "county": "string",
- "countyCode": "string",
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- "dpvDesc": "string",
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- "dpvNotesDesc": "string",
- "geocodeLevel": "string",
- "geocodeLevelDescription": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "latitude": "string",
- "legalDesc": "string",
- "longitude": "string",
- "lot": "string",
- "meridian": "string",
- "plssCounty": "string",
- "postDirectional": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "preDirectional": "string",
- "primaryMeridian": "string",
- "primaryNumber": "string",
- "primaryNumberSuffix": "string",
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- "regionISOCd": "string",
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- "townshipDir": "string",
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- "verificationHash": "string",
- "verificationMsg": "string"
], - "allowPLSSDirty": "string",
- "assistLiving": true,
- "basicGroup1": "string",
- "basicGroup2": "string",
- "basicGroupIRatingTerritory": "string",
- "basicGroupIiRatingTerritory": "string",
- "bopTerritoryCd": "string",
- "businessAutoTerritoryCd": "string",
- "businessPursuits": "Yes",
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- "cPLName35": "string",
- "cPLName36": "string",
- "cPLName37": "string",
- "commissionAmt": "string",
- "communityRatingSystemGrade": "string",
- "coverage": [
- {
- "_links": [
- {
- "href": "string",
- "rel": "string"
], - "aIRCDed": "string",
- "aLSCCOL": "string",
- "aLSCCoin": "string",
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- "aUName101": true,
- "aUName102": true,
- "aUName103": true,
- "aUName104": true,
- "aUName105": true,
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- "anyOneDay": 0,
- "anyOnePeriod": "string",
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- "bILACoin": "string",
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- "collisionCoverageInd": true,
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- "collisionLimitOfLiabilityExcess": 0,
- "combinedLimit": "string",
- "comprehensiveCoverageInd": "string",
- "comprehensiveDeductible": "string",
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- "contributingLimitOfInsurance": "string",
- "contributingLocations": "string",
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- "covAntennasLimit": 0,
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- "covTenantImprovementsLimit": 0,
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- "href": "string",
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- "aUName41": "string",
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- "breakageCovInd": true,
- "cCUODed": "string",
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- "cPLName133": "string",
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- "cPLName166": "string",
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- "cPLName182": "string",
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- "id": null,
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- "id": "string",
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